CEO Mike Stewardson tours northern basin
Published 12 Dec 2024
NOVEMBER 2024 saw One Basin CRC CEO Mike Stewardson tour the Northern Basin and connect with new and existing partners, committee members and staff to hear the most current challenges, feedback and ideas for the region.
Beginning in Melbourne in early November, Mike travelled to Griffith, Dubbo, Narrabri, Goondwindi, Toowoomba and Brisbane to connect with partners and teams on the rise, as well as One Basin’s PhD students.
One Basin’s new and existing northern basin partners include the University of Sydney, the National Irrigator’s Council, Goondiwindi Regional Council, CRDC, UniSQ ABDI, Riparian Co, Southern Queensland Landscapes, RAQ member Paul Webb, committee member Michelle Ramsey, and Cotton Seed Distributors.
The tour also looked at the facilities in the Northern Basin, and interactive conversations as to how these can be improved and built upon for the region between staff.
With UniSQ already taking on a project around evaporative losses, their team is working directly with CRDC, as well as bringing along the Queensland Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESTI).
On the tour, Mike also visited the farm of Michelle and Tim Ramsey at Bonshaw in northern New South Wales, to view firsthand their water operations and differentiations to those of a southern basin property.
As for teams in the Northern Basin, having connections with CEO Mike Stewardson as well as the partners and PhD students has been a welcome visit.
“It’s been really exciting to have Mike visit the region – our partners appreciate his advocacy and how much he sees value and interest in the Northern Basin, and just how different our needs are to those of the southern region,” says Regional Hub Manager for Goondiwindi Marti Beeston.
With a significant difference in issues facing the northern and southern regions, teams in One Basin north are thrilled to connect with executive members to help establish more tailored research for northern basin issues.

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