Rohan Henry

One Basin CRC Director

Rohan is an experienced project manager with over 20 years working extensively in the environmental sector, in the areas of policy development and environmental impact assessments. He’s a skilled Indigenous engagement adviser with significant experience collaborating and partnering with Traditional Owner Corporations and their communities. He possesses a unique understanding of water, marine and coastal-related policy, programs and approvals and the critical interactions these have with Traditional Owner groups and their communities.

Rohan continues to practice as an independent consultant working across water, renewable energy, and fisheries sectors in both Victoria and NSW.

Rohan is currently a Non-Executive Director at South East Water Corporation; Deputy Chair, Committee on Aboriginal Water Interests (DCCEEW); Chair, Maribyrnong Integrated Water Management Forum; Member, Independent Panel for the Central Region & Gippsland Sustainable Water Strategy; Independent Member, Project Control Group, Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Project; and member, Victorian Marine and Coastal Council.

Rohan has a PhD in marine and coastal ecology and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.